"The IRL [Indian River Lagoon] is home to a rich array of plants and animals whose existence depends on the quality of water within the Lagoon. More than 2,000 species of plants, 600 species of fish, 300 species of birds, and 53 threatened or endangered species inhabit the IRL for at least some portion of their lives, and scientists have shown the IRL to be one of the most biologically diverse estuaries in North America, with approximately 4,000 species documented to occur." http://www.irlcouncil.com
Protect Our Waters
Ways you can help protect the Indian River Lagoon
Keep trash and other pollutants out of our waterways-Proper disposal of garbage, pet waste and home chemicals is the key to keeping it out of the local watershed. Switching to biodegradable, non-toxic cleaners and personal care items help to reduce the chemicals that flow down your drains.
Obey the fertilizer restrictions in your county-Fertilizer containing Nitrogen and Phosphorus can wash into waterways where it contributes to algae blooms and pollution. Limit fertilizer and herbicide or pesticide use. Follow summertime restrictions on applying fertilizer to turf or landscape plants.
Service your septic tank -Septic tanks can cause pollution to waterways if they are not maintained properly. Your system should be serviced every three years to keep it running correctly and protect it from filling up.
Choose reusable items to reduce your single plastic use-Plastics are petroleum-based and do not biodegrade, they just break down into smaller pieces and end up in the food chain.
Make your voice heard-Write to your officials or question candidates, attend town hall meetings, write an editorial to your local paper or share your story on social media to help others become aware or involved.
Get involved with organizations protecting our waterways-Volunteer for habitat restoration efforts or make a donation towards conservation programs to help support solutions to the problems in our local waters.
Keep up to date on water issues and other ways to help-Check the this website and the websites below regularly for information on local water quality problems and what you can do. Source: https://www.floridaocean.org/save-our-waters-pledge
Get more information about efforts to protect the Indian River Lagoon on these websites:
Indian River Lagoon National Estuary Program
2019 Local Water Quality Reports
Click Here to Read the Floridian's Guide to Algae, published by the Florida Oceanographic Center
CLICK HERE to view the Florida Oceanographic Center's webpage on algae and cyanobacteria.