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Martin County
Board of County Commissioners 
to vote JUNE 21
on Rural Lifestyle Amendment
Martin County 
conservation groups 
oppose this change to 
the Comprehensive Plan.


To give your opinion on 

Rural Lifestyle CPA 21-08

Call the Martin County Commission at 772-288-5420.


Email them all at 



County Staff Email Addresses:



On April 19, the County Commission "took a pause on a controversial land-use designation, which, if approved, would have set the stage for a luxury residential golf-course community in Hobe Sound.  The commission tabled approving or denying the proposed "rural lifestyle" designation after hours of split public comments and presentations from county staff and representatives of the developer."






BOCC Votes 3-2 to send amendment to Tallahassee

Commissioners voted 4-1 to partner with the Guardian of Martin County to hold a forum for "public education" about the plan and to answer questions.  

After comments from the public and from Tallahassee are received (within 50 days of transmittal), the Commission may
 tweak the language of the amendment before final approval.

New Proposed Amendment to Our Comp Plan 


This Tuesday, June 21, the Martin County Board of County Commissioners again will vote on a proposed amendment to the Martin County Comprehensive Plan, Rural Lifestyle 21-08. 


The Martin County Comprehensive Growth Management Plan, required of all municipalities by the state of Florida, was created in 1982 and substantially expanded in 1990, is the long-term plan for Martin County’s future that protects the environment and guides growth and development.


The Rural Lifestyle amendment was proposed by Becker Holdings and Discovery Lands to support their Atlantic Fields project, 317 single-family homes and an 18-hole golf course on 1,530 acres on the north side of Southeast Bridge Road, one mile east of Interstate 95.


As any change to the county’s comprehensive plan could affect off Martin County residents and property owners, we send this information to you to keep you informed and allow you to voice your opinion if you choose to do so. While HIPI has not taken a position on this issue, the following environmental groups have opposed the project:

The Sierra Club

The Guardians of Martin County

Friends of the Everglades

The Martin County Conservation Alliance


The full text of the Rural Lifestyle Amendment may be viewed here:


To learn more about the Atlantic Fields project and Becker holdings, please view


To learn more about the co-sponsor of the Atlantic Fields project, Mike Meldman and his company Discovery Lands, pleae view - .YoRJuy-B00o


“The proposed "rural lifestyle" designation…would allow land to be used for traditional agricultural purposes, such as growing crops or raising domesticated animals. If county commissioners agree to create the new classification, developers could develop more homes on rural lifestyle land in exchange for setting aside large areas for open space. Here's where it gets interesting: The county's definition of open space would include land used for private golf courses, polo fields, or other recreational purposes. In other words, the type of amenities that would help make high-end homes more desirable — and therefore more expensive. 


Under existing zoning laws, most agricultural land in the county can have no more than one home per 20 acres. If the rural lifestyle designation is approved, density could increase to one home per five acres.  That's not all. Under the new land use, developers would be allowed to have water and sewer lines extended to their properties, at their own expense, even though those properties are outside the boundaries of the county's designated urban service areas. 


Governments set urban service areas to help manage growth and development, usually offering services such as water and sewer only inside what often are relatively compact boundaries. Now, think for a second about what happens when new roads are built. The property along them tends to get developed at a faster rate because accessible land is more valuable. 


A similar trend may occur along the paths created by the water and sewer lines snaking their way to rural lifestyle developments. Once those lines are built, other developers will invariably ask to tie into those water and sewer connections, too. At that point, the urban service boundaries are essentially meaningless.” Blake Fontenay for TCPalm


History or the Amendment Before the Martin County Commissioners


February 22:  The commissioners voted 3-2 to send the amendment to Tallahassee for. The required review and approval.  After comments from the public and from Tallahassee are received (within 50 days of transmittal), the Commission may tweak the language of the amendment before final approval.  Commissioners also voted 4-11 to partner with the Guardian of Martin County to hold a forum for "public education" about the plan and to answer questions.


April 19: The Martin County Commission "took a pause on a controversial land-use designation, which, if approved, would have set the stage for a luxury residential golf-course community in Hobe Sound.  The commission tabled approving or denying the proposed "rural lifestyle" designation after hours of split public comments and presentations from county staff and representatives of the developer."


To voice your opinion, email all Martin County Commissioners at  or individually 



Or attend the Martin County Commissioners Meeting Tuesday, June 21 at 9:00 a.m.  in the Commission Chambers at 2401 SE Monterey Road in Stuart.  Fill out a request to speak form before the meeting and hand it to the sheriff.  Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person.

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